What to Know About Access Control Systems and Security Camera Systems

In 2022, access control systems and security camera systems are more affordable and high quality than ever before. In this blog entry, the Albuquerque commercial security experts here at 505 Locksmith will summarize the important things to know about access control systems and security camera systems.

Access Control Systems

Access control systems determine who is allowed to enter or exit certain areas. It always utilizes specific credentials that allow particular individuals to unlock doors – just like a specifically tailored lock and key. Networked access control systems work and are hosted on a local network, and don’t communicate information to offside servers. Networked access control systems are affordable, reliable, and easier to use than ever before. Standalone access control systems are also very popular today, and can be used on single doors or integrated into larger security systems. Cloud based access control systems are ideal for multi-site properties. They usually require monthly subscription payment, but offer back convenience in spades with an ability to modify, add, or revoke access through an online portable accessible to managers from anywhere in the world.

Security Camera Systems

Security camera systems utilize cameras to provide video – recorded or live – to monitoring stations, allowing for security personnel to monitor chosen areas. Onsite security system keep recordings on storage devices on site, and process footage, once captured, on onsite technology. Onside security camera and surveillance systems usually cost more than the other forms of security camera systems this blog entry will continue to discuss now. Cloud based security camera and surveillance systems boast fantastic levels of flexibility, storing recordings and allowing viewing on demand through offsite servers. Monthly servers cost a great deal of money over time, and offer a huge amount of customizability based on user needs. Remote monitoring surveillance services can work through attachment to both or either cloud based or onsite camera systems in order to monitor events as they occur live. Some remote monitoring systems have speakers that allow users to talk to criminals – or just employees – in real-time to stop crimes or provide instructions. Lastly, security camera analytics services attach to camera feeds to automatically raise alarms based on predetermined or preset information or occurrences that it observes on the video (or audio too) feed. Security camera analytic services come in a massive variety – some better than others – but generally offer fantastic levels of deterrence to combat break-ins. 

Choosing the Right Access and Security System

When choosing what type of security system you will access at your property, make sure to consider a few factors. First, consider how easy the system will be to install at your property. Then consider how much general, over-time maintenance costs will be – including subscriptions services or general maintenance. Consider how much new security systems can be integrated with existing systems, and verify that whatever security system you purchase has customer service from the manufacturer available.