Guide to Restricted Key Systems

In this blog entry, the professional Albuquerque locksmith team here at 505 Locksmith will detail the important things to know about restricted key systems.

Restricted key systems mandate that keys can only be replicated by authorized individuals, and that new keys can only be created by the master locksmith who originally designed the master key.

Restricted Key System Benefits

First off, restricted key systems keep keys safer than standard key systems. The keys provided in restricted key systems have unique designs, are patent protected, and can only be copied by authorized individuals. This removes many potential security risks caused by lost or stolen keys, or unauthorized key copies. Restricted key systems also allow you to better customize and access your security system, as keys will be individually matched and customized for different security clearance levels. Company owners can carry a grand master key and managers can be given master keys. Restricted key systems come with detailed and thorough records, allowing the key creators to provide you details of the key cutting process, and full information over who has authority to use and hold every key in your system. Lastly, it’s very hard to pick locks that are part of your restricted key system. It will make it harder for a criminal to use another key to access your property as the restricted keys are made with complicated and unique designs.

Creating Restricted Key Systems

Restricted key systems can be implemented at your property by a master locksmith. The master key experts here at 505 Locksmith can provide you a safe and secure restricted key system for your residential or commercial property. Our team works according to all professional and ethical codes ensuring that nobody – including unauthorized locksmiths – will ever be able to copy or access your restricted key systems. Our team can create a top quality restricted key system and master key system for your business or home, with a great degree of professional knowledge, experience, and courtesy – as well as value!